Machines and systems for processing carbon paste

  • Prebaked anodes and cathodes for the electrolysis of primary aluminum
  • Soderberg paste for applications in the fields of primary aluminum and metallurgy
  • Graphite electrodes for electric arc furnaces
  • Graphite specialties
  • Products made of carbon fiber materials

Eirich in the carbon industry stands for

  • Experienced specialists
  • Our proprietary know-how
  • Own test center for demonstration and verification tests
  • Laboratory and pilot-scale equipment for in-house tests available
  • Engineering, manufacturing and service by one supplier
  • All key machinery is manufactured in our own workshops
  • Service and spare parts supply worldwide

Our latest development

The Eirich mixing cascade EMC® for two-stage, fully continuous processing of prebaked anode paste is the first system to exclusively
use intensive mixers. It offers significant savings in terms of investment costs (CAPEX) and in terms of ongoing operating costs (OPEX)!

Carbon Paste
(pdf, 14 MB)

Preparation technologies for carbon paste

Carbon Paste - EMC
(pdf, 3 MB)

EMC for anode paste preparation